
New Jersey Burglary Lawyer

New Jersey burglary charges should be taken seriously, as they can result in spending five years in prison, paying fines of up to $15,000, and having a criminal record that can adversely affect your future.

If you have been charged with burglary, contact an experienced theft attorney as soon as possible. A New Jersey burglary lawyer can review the charges against you and assess your legal options. Make sure you put forth the best defense available to you and possibly get the charges against you dropped or mitigated through a plea bargain.

How Does New Jersey Define Burglary?

Burglary is essentially breaking and entering into someone else’s home or business with the intent to commit a felony or larceny crime while inside. According to New Jersey Statute Sec. 2C:18-2, there are generally three ways in which someone can be found guilty of burglary in New Jersey, entering, remaining, and trespassing.

New Jersey burglary lawyers have seen guilt be based on when the person enters a structure without permission to be on the premises, at a time not open to the public. A burglary on remaining offense is when someone steals in a way that is trying to avoid being detected while knowing they are not allowed to be in the structure or facility they are in.

Guilt of burglary based on trespassing on utility company property when they trespass in or on utility company property where public notice prohibiting trespass is given. If notice is given by conspicuous posting, fencing, or any other enclosure designed to exclude intruders

Potential Penalties for Theft Charges

New Jersey burglary is generally considered a third-degree crime which can result in paying fines of up to $15,000 and spending between three and five years in prison. Under certain circumstances, New Jersey burglary can be considered a second-degree crime (which is more serious) when someone is purposefully, knowingly, or recklessly attempts to inflict or threatens to inflict bodily injury on anyone. It is considered a second-degree offense if someone is armed with or displays what appears to be explosives or a deadly weapon such as a gun, knife, baseball bat.

Even threatening to harm someone in the building can increase those charges to a second-degree crime. New Jersey second-degree burglary can result in significant fines and spending up to ten years in prison. Having an experienced New Jersey burglary attorney can make a big difference.

Calling an Experienced New Jersey Burglary Attorney

New Jersey burglary convictions can have severe consequences. That is why it is crucial to evaluate every possible legal defense available to you. Never assume that a defense does not exist without contacting a New Jersey burglary lawyer first.

If you have been charged with burglary, contact an burglary defense lawyer to review the charges against you and consider your legal options. Call an attorney immediately to make sure you have covered all the bases and are not putting your future in jeopardy.